Allocations and Expenditure


Pupil Premium Year 2015/16

For this financial year £60,982 has been allocated to support children on Free School meals. In addition to this, funding was provided to support, Post Looked After Children and Service Pupils

Total Funding across all groups £79351

£29,000.00 teaching assistant additional hours across all age groups.

£19,000 to provide a vulnerable pupils manager

£8,210.00 CFBT CPD and Training for staff

£2,500  behavioral hub support for parents and Staff.

£7,272.00 education trips/music Tuition /swimming transport/Dance and Sporting opportunities.

£5,000.00 1 to 1 tuition by qualified teachers.    

 £350 After School booster Classes  

Total expenditure   £71332                                  

The whole school approach is shown here

Vulnerable pupils manager.

Children and their families were able to access multi agency support brokered by  our Vulnerable pupil manager.Staff were supported and guided by good CPD  both arranged and delivered by the Vulnerable pupil Manager. Pupils were supported by 1:1 interaction, counselling and assessments .

CFBT CPD and Training for staff

Provided high quality training and support for both teachers and teaching a result they are better equipped to meet the needs of Pupil premium pupils.

 Behavioral hub support for parents and Staff.

This provided an valuable opportunity for parents to meet and share information and experiences.The sessions were led by a professional who provided expert advice and insight into behavior issues along with 1:1 adviceStaff  Knowledge was enhanced  through training and understanding of 

  • Attachment
  • Contracting; contracting with adults and with children
  • SEMHN provision.
  • Anger management
  • Bereavement and Loss.

Additional Teaching Assistant  in Foundation Stage

Children are able to access the outdoor classroom throughout the day. Additional support is there for those children with medical needs. There is an additional adult to listen to children and to provide the support, particularly with language development which is an identified need for our current reception children.

After school booster classes

Many Y6 children chose to come to these sessions, which were so successful that children who were not targeted also joined in the sessions. Opportunities were provided to support the children in developing the instant recall skills and practice  SATs style questions. 

 Reading  and Mathematics intervention programmes

Some of the pupil premium funding is used towards the cost of  our reading intervention programmes. These programmes are available to all children from Y2 onwards  .The use of these  programmes  has had a positive impact on raising the profile of reading in the school whilst accelerating progress in reading.

Spelling and Grammar intervention programmes.

Some of the pupil premium funding is used towards the cost of  our r Spelling and Grammar intervention programmes called “Ivor Clue.”. These programmes are  aimed at children from Y4 and Y6  who are struggling with Spelling and Grammar.

One to one Tuition

 In some cases this is run as a one to one session but on other occasions one or two children of a similar level may be added to the group to support the ability for interaction and the development of social and interaction skills. These sessions are managed by the child’s class teacher but often run by an additional teacher. 

In Subsidy for the Residential

The school runs a residential trip for Year 4  and Year 6 pupils. The school uses some of the pupil premium money to pay towards to funding of the trip for families who qualify for pupil premium.

School Music lessons

A music teacher comes into school working once a week with different classes across the school teaching singing and music. This gives the children the opportunity to be taught by a high skilled professional music teacher. Some pupil premium children have displayed a talent in this area and the funding has enabled them to pursue this interest..

Using our in school tracking system we carefully track the progress of all the children in our school including those pupil premium children and ‘looked after’ children.

Nationally pupil premium eligible children perform below their peers and pupil premium funding is designed to narrow this gap in performance.

The whole school approach is shown here


The impact of the PPG for 2015/16 has been:

 Pupils have benefited greatly from the enrichment of the curriculum and from the pastoral support on offer. Improved attendance and punctuality along with improved self esteem and self image have led to clear gains for many of these pupils.


Foundation Stage

7 pupils in receipt of Pupil Premium

  • 42% of children achieved a Good Level of Development or above.This compares with 57 % of non pupil premium pupils


Year 1 Phonics Test

4 pupils were in receipt of Pupil Premium during their time at MDCP

  • 80% of Pupil premium pupils attained the nationally expected level in the phonics screening check.This compares with 87 % of non pupil premium pupils

End of KS1

    14 children were in receipt of Pupil premium during their time at MDCP.


In reading, 

61 % Pupil premium pupils attained the national age related expectation .This compares with 77 % of non pupil premium pupils

In writing 

38% Pupil premium  pupils attained the national age related expectation . This compares with  61 % of non pupil premium pupils

In mathematics 

77% of Pupil premium pupils attained the national age related expectation . This compares with  84% of non pupil premium pupils

At the End of KS2

1 child has been in receipt of Pupil Premium during their time at MDCP.

Data has been suppressed for this cohort due to the low numbers of pupils


 Click here to see details of the  attainment levels  of  our  end of KS2  pupil premium pupils and  other pupils in our school. 

 Click here to see details of the attainment levels  of  our  end of KS1  pupil premium pupils and  other pupils in our school.