Welcome to

Market Deeping Community Primary School

School Admissions

Lincolnshire Local Authority oversees admissions to our school.  Please see links below to apply for a place.  Lincolnshire's Admissions Scheme sets out details about how places are allocated.

New Reception starters for September and 'in-year' applications need to be overseen by Lincolnshire.  If you need any support in the application process please contact the school.


Click here for the Lincolnshire Admissions Website:

Is your child starting school in September 2024?  You should apply between 15 November 2023 to 12 noon on the 15 January 2024.


You will receive your school offer either via email or letter from 19 April 2022, depending on how you applied.

Lincolnshire County Council will assume you wish to accept the offer, unless you tell them otherwise. If you wish to refuse the offer, please do so by 6 May 2022, by emailing schooladmissions@lincolnshire.gov.uk.

If a parent or carer needs support with the application process due to a variety of reasons such as literacy issues or a language barrier please feel free to contact the Education Team on 01522 782030 or email schooladmissions@lincolnshire.gov.uk

If your child is already at school and you are moving into the area and looking to come to our school please contact the school to come and have a look around and see all of the exciting changes that are happening in our school for yourself.

If you wish to apply for a place at the school after the start of the school year you will need to apply to Lincolnshire County Council's Admissions by clicking here...

The School Published Admission Number is 45

The published admission number represents the number of places offered to children coming to school for the first time.

The school operates the standard admission arrangements for community and controlled infant or primary schools. These arrangements are detailed in the current booklet 'Going to School in Lincolnshire 2022/23'ncolnshire' or at click here...

Every community and controlled school must apply the County Council’s oversubscription criteria shown below.

In accordance with legislation the allocation of places for children with the following will take place first; Statement of Special Educational Needs (Education Act 1996) or Education, Health and Care Plan (Children and Families Act 2014). We will then allocate remaining places  in accordance with this policy. For entry into reception in September we will allocate places to parents who make an application before we consider any parent who has not made one.

 Attending a nursery or a pre-school does not give any priority within the oversubscription criteria for a place in a school. Parents must make a separate application for the transfer from nursery to a primary or infant school.

The oversubscription criteria are listed in the order we apply them:

A. Looked after children and all previously looked after children. 
B. A brother or sister attending the school at the time of application, or who will be attending the school at the expected time of admission. In addition, in the case of infant schools, a brother or sister attending the associated junior school or will be attending the associated junior school at the expected time of admission. 
C. Nearest school; measured by straight line distance.
D. Church criterion where in operation at certain Voluntary Controlled schools.
E. Increasing order of straight line distance.

If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be drawn by an independent person, not employed by the school or working in the Local Authority Children's Service Directorate.
The intended overall effect of the proposed oversubscription criteria is to maximize the likelihood that local children will gain places at their local school in an oversubscribed year; it is not possible to guarantee this however.


Children are admitted to school in the September following their fourth birthday. Parents of children who are due to start school are contacted and invited to visit the school during Term 5. In keeping with Lincolnshire County Policy, parents are asked to identify their preferred school by the end of December to the County Council.

Further meetings for parents are held during Term 6, at these meetings there are opportunities to discuss and ask questions about school policies and organisation. Children are invited to visit the school during Term 6.



All Deepings Primary School pupils have the option of attending one of several local Secondary schools, with The Deepings School being the nearest, non-selective Secondary school.

This is a process driven by parental choice.  Any information sent to Market Deeping Community Primary School by any of the secondary schools will be passed on to the relevant year group's parents and carers, but it is ultimately up to parents and carers to research Open Days and Admission Arrangements. preference and parents should contact any potential school directly to discuss their admission arrangements.

Parents wishing to find out more about the admission arrangements for schools in the local area may wish to click on the links below.  This is not an exhaustive list of secondary schools and parents may also wish to visit Lincolnshire County Council’s School Admissions web page (click here for link) for further information.

The Deepings School

Bourne Grammar

Bourne Academy

Spalding Grammar

Spalding High School

Stamford Welland Academy

Arthur Mellows Village College

Please note that if you live in Cambridgeshire, or are applying for a secondary school place in Cambridgeshire, there will be a different process to be followed when applying for a secondary school place than that in Lincolnshire.