Useful links

 School Policies    ADMISSIONS          SAFEGUARDING    Attendance         

MADCAPS - nursery and out-of-school club website

Community help          The PTFA            

School to Home Communication     

Internet Safety information

      Anti-Bullying Advice

Charges and Remission Policy 

Scroll down for UNIFORM, School Meals, Term Dates, Safety and Medicines and how to help your child with their reading...

The School Day

The school gates are opened from 8.45 a.m. and pupils can come into school from 8.45 a.m.  They should be in school by 8:55am when the gates close.

Morning Sessions

EYFS - 8.55am - 11.45am

Key Stage 1 -  8.55am - 12 noon

Key Stage 2 - 8.55am to 12.30pm

Afternoon Sessions

EYFS 12.45pm - 3.20pm
Key Stage One 1.00pm - 3.20pm
Key Stage Two 1.30pm - 3.25pm


We expect pupils to be in school at all times during term time.  Please contact the school office as soon as possible if your child is unable to attend school for any reason.  The most recent Government Guidance on Attendance can be found here

Term Dates 2024-25

Click here to download

Term Dates 2025-26

Click here to download

Communication with school


Open evenings are offered three times a year. On these occasions you are invited to meet with your child’s class teacher, discuss your child’s development and progress, and look at their work. You will also receive a written report in the Summer Term. If you feel there is something causing your child or you some concern, please do not hesitate to contact us. All staff are available before and after school.


Parents and friends of the school also assist in many ways giving much valued support: listening to children read, lending a hand on school trips, working with small groups, assisting with art and craft and cooking are some examples.

In these and many other ways we are able to work together. If you would like to help do not hesitate to contact the Headteacher.


It is important to us that you understand what your child is learning in school.  Information and homework is posted on Seesaw and each term the class website is updated  to provide you with a summary of work that is going to be covered, so that you can share in your child’s enjoyment of learning.


We use Parentmail for all non-curriculum based communications to parents and carers, so please check your account regularly and ensure that your contact details are correct.

School Meals and Food in School

Free School Meals

All parents need to register online using the following link:  Even if your child is not entitled to Free School Meals at the moment they may become eligible at some point during their school career.  Registering takes a few minutes and could provide essential funding for your child when your family needs it most, so please ensure you take action as soon as possible.

Universal Infant Free School Meals

This is a Government-driven initiative which is completely different to Free School Meals.  UIFSM provides free hot school meals to all children in Reception and Key Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2).  If you would like to take up this offer then please contact the School Office for more information.

Hot School Meals

Hot school meals will be provided by IDEAL Hot School Meals - please follow this link to register your child for an account and to order their food.  Meals must be ordered by midnight on a Sunday for the  week starting 7 days later (ie if you order on Sunday 1st of the month the meals will be for the w/c Monday 9th).  Parents are responsible for checking allergen information and ordering suitable food for their children.

Packed Lunches

When sending in drinks, please ensure that containers are water tight. For safety reasons we recommend that glass bottles and tins are not brought into school. We also ask that no products containing nuts are used. We encourage children to consider healthy eating as a part of the science curriculum in all classes, and whilst we respect your right to pack your child's lunch box with food of your choice, we would ask you not to include sweets or chocolate bars in your child's lunch box.

Please click here for Healthy Lunch box ideas


A healthy seasonal food snack is provided for Foundation and Key Stage 1 pupils every day which varies from fresh fruit to vegetables to dried fruit. We aim to help children understand about good food and life skills. As part of the curriculum all pupils will experience growing, harvesting and cooking their own food, visit a supermarket , and the Food and Farming show.We also encourage all pupils to eat healthy snacks at break times.

Milk in School

In line with the Dept. of Education's  School Food Plan, we have arranged East Anglia Dairies to be our milk provider. Should you wish your child to recieve milk please respond to the termly Parentmail order form. If your child is under 5 years old or entitled to Pupil Premium the school can provide milk for your child free of charge. For further information please contact the school office.


Children in all year groups have a Seesaw account.  This enables them to share work they have done in school and for parents to share work they have done at home.  If you have any issues with accessing Seesaw please contact the school. 

More information is available here....



Helping your child read

We are working closely with nearby schools and the Deepings Library to develop a love of reading in our pupils and community.  Click here for lots more information...

School Uniform

The school uniform is a grey or black skirt or trousers with a burgundy sweatshirt or cardigan embroidered with the school logo.

School embroidered jumpers, cardigans and PE wear are available from Shotbowl on the Northfields Industrial Estate in Market Deeping. 01778 348788.  CLICK HERE...

Uniform examples

Grey or black trousers, white shirt/polo, burgundy school cardigan or school sweatshirt.

Grey or black summer shorts and white polo shirt.

Grey or black pinafore dress or skirt, white shirt/polo, culottes or tights.

Burgundy/dark red & white summer dress.

PE kit: Black shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms, school PE top and trainers. School PE fleeces are also available.

Children should not be sent to school in shorts more suited to leisure activities, shirts with slogans, or sun-wear. Pupils should be dressed comfortably and suitably to approach schoolwork seriously. Shoes should be black and strong enough to protect the feet and be able to be fastened firmly to avoid accidents. Strappy shoes or shoes with high heels should not be worn.

PE is part of the National Curriculum and is subject, by law, to the same rigorous planning and assessment procedures as other areas. All children must take part, be assessed on their abilities and have their progress recorded. For safety it is essential that children have suitable clothing and footwear for PE lessons and that they remember to bring their kit to school at the right time.

Parents need to be aware of the dangers of children wearing earrings for pierced ears when they take part in an active curriculum which includes PE and swimming. If children wear earrings to school teachers will not be responsible for their removal, replacement or storage. Recognised safety regulations state that all jewellery should be removed or taped for PE and removed for swimming so children must be able to remove earrings themselves.

Lost Property

All clothing which is likely to be removed should be named. We endeavour to keep track of lost property, but cannot spare time to search for garments which are not named. There is a lost property box in each cloakroom.


Safety in and around school


Unless safely dressed, children may not be able to take part in P.E. lessons. It is the policy of Lincolnshire County Council that no jewellery of any kind, including stud ear-rings are permitted to be worn in the swimming pool.

During sunny weather you may like to teach your child how to apply sunscreen. If your child brings sun-screen to school, please label it with their name!


All pupils are expected to take responsibility for the safety of their own property. The school cannot be responsible for watches or jewellery. Earrings and other jewellery can cause danger in P.E. and games lessons. It is preferred that they are not worn to school at all.

Money should not be brought to school unless requested for a school activity, when it should be in a clearly marked envelope and handed into the school office.

We advise you not to let your child bring toys to school. They can be easily lost or broken in a playground.


The position of the school makes parking difficult. Please would parents not park or turn in the school grounds, and will parents who deliver and collect children by car please use the Tesco car park (not Parent & Child or Disabled spaces please), both for the safety of children and the convenience of our neighbours. 

Health and Safety Policy.

The School has a comprehensive Health and Safety Policy relating to all school activities including educational visits. You can obtain a copy of the full policy from the school.

Personal Accident Insurance for Pupils.

Parents my wish to enquire through insurance brokers if they wish to avail themselves of this cover.


If a child is on a course of medicine it is usually advisable for the child to remain at home until it is completed. Children suffering from Asthma have a particular requirement to access their inhalers at all times. We ensure that children keep inhalers in their possession, and administer to themselves at need. For our youngest children (who might have trouble looking after an inhaler), teachers may keep inhalers in a suitable place, known to the child, from where the child can easily obtain their medication when needed.