Welcome to

Market Deeping Community Primary School

Policies and Guidance

School Policies give direction to how our school runs, they are essential in ensuring the children are safe.  Policies mean that we all understand how the school operates and mean if something goes wrong we have clear guidance on what to do. By clicking on the names of the policies you can download them.  If you would like a hard copy of a policy please contact the school.

Policies that keep us safe

Exclusion and Suspension Information

14786 10482 Parent Leaflets - Suspensions.pdf .pdf
10482 Parent leaflets - Permanent Exclusion DPS.pdf .pdf
14786 10482 Parent leaflets - A Guide to the Review Process.pdf .pdf
USE Suspensions Exclusions Guidance 2022.pdf .pdf

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Download the Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 Document here. If you are working or volunteering in school you need to have read Part 1 and inform the Headteacher that you have done so.  Volunteers and staff in school have to complete Child Protection training.

Policies on how the school works


GDPR - General Data Protection Regulations..

Privacy Notice for Pupil Information

Privacy Notice for Workforce information

Data Protection Policy


In addtion to the above downloadable information the school keeps an asset list of what data we hold in school and where it is stored - electronically and physically- and why.  We also have a list of companies that we share data with and a record that we have sought their compliance with GDPR regulations.  

A new consent form for parental permissions will be issued in July.
Please contact the school office if you have any queries about how we use and store data at school.

Curriculum and Educational Policies and Guidance

Our School Values

We are CONFIDENT COMMUNICATORS who listen and share their ideas confidently.

We are RESILIENT LEARNERS who don't give up and learn from their mistakes.

We are ASPIRATIONAL CITIZENS who strive to be the best they can be.

We are COMMUNITY CHAMPIONS who work together and respect others.

Our School Vision (what we aspire to be):  Growing together to be the best.

Our School Mission (what we do at MDCPS): We work together so that everyone can achieve their unique potential.