Welcome to

Market Deeping Community Primary School

Sport and Physical Education,the arts and S.R.E .


Sport and Physical Education

Sporting provision at Market Deeping Community ensures that our children have the chance to participate and excel in a wide range of sports delivered by both teaching staff and professional coaches. As a result, teams from Market Deeping Community regularly compete in local competitions in disciplines such as tag rugby, football, hockey, netball, Rounders and Athletics . Additional sports, such as Dodge ball, speed stacking and Tennis are also offered as lunch time and after school clubs.

From 2013 Schools have been allocated funding known as the 'P.E. and Sports Premium' to improve physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools.The spend plan / statement  describes the rationale behind our spending of the premium; amounts allocated under the premium; provision and continous professional development paid for by the premium; intended impact.

All children are also provided with supervised swimming lessons at a local swimming pool.

Market Deeping Community School require all pupils to wear a PE uniform of navy blue or white shorts; White t-shirt; black or white plimsolls for indoor activity and trainers for outdoor lessons.

The Arts

Performing and visual arts also play a significant part within our curriculum. Drawing upon our rich and varied regional culture we welcome local artisans to help enhance our Art’s curriculum. Furthermore, one only needs to take a walk around the corridors of our school to see the wealth and variety of visual artwork on display, created throughout the course of the school year and during our art focus weeks.

In addition, Market Deeping Community Primary school ensures a vibrant performing arts curriculum. Throughout Key Stage 2 children are offered the chance to attend Choir , recorders, and the joint schools Rock band. Furthermore, children are given a wide variety of opportunities to perform. Each year, the choir visits the Deepings Arts festival to take part in a collaborative concert with other primary schools, as well as performing within the local community. Every term we hold a ‘Musical Showcase’ to share the musical activities that have been happening during the year which includes performances from soloists, ensembles and larger groups. The joint schools rock band is currently in its fifth year and gives opportunities for KS2 children who already play an instrument, to rehearse and perform as part of a rock band with other pupils from other local schools... Tuition is also available in a number of instruments including keyboard,guitar,drums and vocal training (please note this tuition must be paid for).

PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education)

PSHCE is taught as a cross-curricular subject at Market Deeping Community School. Pupils are assisted in gaining the knowledge, skills and understanding they require to lead confident, healthy and independent lives, and to become informed, responsible citizens.

Health education is taught within Science lessons. Market Deeping Community School’s health education includes the teaching of sex education to ensure that pupils are able to cope with the physical and emotional challenges of growing up. The sex education taught, provides pupils with an elementary understanding of human reproduction.

Please contact the Headteacher if you require further information on this topic.


Sex and Relationships

We teach sex education through different aspects of the curriculum. While we carry out the main sex education teaching in our personal, social and health education (PSHE) curriculum, we also teach some sex education through other subject areas (for example, science and PE), where we feel that they contribute significantly to a child’s knowledge and understanding of his or her own body, and how it is changing and developing. 

We believe it is important to teach about relationships throughout the children’s school life and in PSHE we teach children about relationships and we encourage children to discuss issues. In science, we follow the guidance material in the national scheme of work for science. In PE we consider health and hygiene. 

Foundation Stage we explore:

  • relationships and belonging including getting on and falling out and anti bullying.
  • managing conflict
  • who to ask for help
  • feelings
  • similarities and differences
  • respect including self respect
  • values, love and care
  • choices
  • gender, equal opportunities and stereotyping
  • good and bad touches
  • cleaning and washing
  • changes
  • personal space
  • life cycles
  • animal babies
  • weddings and christenings (not limited to Christianity)

 In Key Stage 1 we teach: 

  • relationships and belonging including getting on and falling out and anti bullying.
  • Respect, self respect
  • managing conflict
  • who to ask for help
  • feelings
  • empathy
  • similarities and differences
  • respect including self respect
  • values, love and care
  • choices
  • gender, equal opportunities and stereotyping
  • cleanliness
  • changes
  • personal space and inappropriate touching
  • life cycles and babies
  • weddings and baptism (not limited to Christianity)
  • how animals, including humans, move, feed, grow and reproduce
  • the main parts of the body. 

In Key Stage 2 we teach and reinforce all of the above and about life processes and the main stages of the human life cycle in greater depth. 

In years 3 and 4 we:

  • place a particular emphasis on health education
  • look at changes from birth to death but not the details of how a baby is made. 

 In years 5 and 6 we also place an emphasis on health education and look at puberty in more detail as some children experience puberty at this age and many are preparing for high school. We liaise with the Local Health Authority, specifically our school nurse about suitable teaching materials to use with our children in these lessons.

By the end of Key Stage 2 we teach about::

  • reproductive parts of the body and how these work
  • what will happen to their bodies during puberty. (For example, we tell all of the children about changes in boys and girls but elaborate with the boys about developments pertaining to them and we explain to the girls about menstruation in more detail.)

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the sex education programme that we teach in our school. If a parent wishes their child to be withdrawn from sex education lessons, they should discuss this with the Headteacher, and make it clear which aspects of the programme they do not wish their child to participate in. The school always complies with the wishes of parents in this regard.